Monday, August 12, 2013

A Week in the Life...

Written 7/14/13... 

So we have had an exciting week. The air conditioner broke last Saturday, forcing us to go stay in a hotel. Mostly because I'm a baby & can't stand the humidity & heat. 

So in our beautiful block of paradise where do you stay when such a tragedy strikes but the beach of course. 
Of course we invited everyone we could to join us... And they brought a favorite summer treat, watermelon!

We watched sunsets, hung out by the pool, relaxed in the a/c. It was like a mini-vacation, except we still had to go to work & I had to clean out the stuff out of my garage... Boy did that make hubby happy! They installed the new a/c system on Wednesday & it's wonderful!!!

Then on Thursday it was 7/11/13, so we had free Slurpees from 7-11, and our Great Auntie Anne had never before tried one! 

"Oh was that cold, but good!" She said, and we laughed and laughed! 

On Friday it was Chick-fil-a Cow Appreciation day... Bottom line dress like a cow & get free food! So what choice did we have? We love free...

And last but not least my little princess got a callback for a small movie role!

She had 1 line and a close-up in 7 hours of filming, lol. But it was a great experience for her.
She's behind the scissors on the desk. It was a long day, but she made new friends got to spend time with old ones & learned what it takes to be a movie star. We came home & took a nap then had a lovely dinner with our very good friends! 

What a wonderful way to end an adventurous week! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

And so we begin... Again?

So once again in an effort to keep up with an be accountable to I will begin a blog again of our homeschool year. 

Since it has been quite some time since my last post we will do a brief update: 

The exciting news is my boy BMXracer, has graduated high school! He made it through! I made it to the finish line and survived to tell the tale! 

 I cannot believe that 18 years have flown by and that I am the parent of an adult. It truly is the craziest thing. 

I am also sad and glad to say I have but ONE homeschooler left... My Princess is entering the fifth grade this year! THE FIFTH GRADE? Suddenly my precious little baby is a tween? How did that happen? Wasn't I just cradling her in my arms while working on a notebook project with my boy? When the grandparents said time flies they weren't joking... they just forgot mention it does so at the speed of light.

And so as we prepare to embark on another school year adventure I hope that I can stay steadfast to my plan to document the dear school days and create an online scrapbook of sorts to file away our memories created daily. Wish me luck on this journey... For a third time, it's a charm, right?